A Tour of Your New Library
by Bethany Wagner
Imagine stepping into a library. It’s hushed and warm. Rows and rows of books—each a different story, a different adventure—stand before you, and you know it may take a while to choose which ones to take home.
At Open LORE, we seek to capture that same feeling in our Open LORE Read and Learning Center software Library. Get ready to experience that same sense of possibility and adventure each time you open your personal Open LORE Library on your computer or tablet, where you can read, add, sort, and preview all your books.
The Library main page features a complete list of your e-books. Click on a book title to bring up a preview with the book cover and description, which you can play back.
Build Your Library
Stock up your library with new material from a variety of sources, from Bookshare and Project Gutenberg to Pottermore and the Open LORE site—any source providing DRM-free ePUB and DAISY (.opf, .zip) format books. To add a book, select the Book and Plus Sign icon. You can choose to add a book already downloaded to your computer, or retrieve one directly from Bookshare’s vast selection.
Removing books is just as simple—click the Book and Trash Can icon to delete a selected book from a collection or from the library.
The Shelves
Sort your books into “Favorites,” or add custom collections, from “Homework” to “Classics” to “Just for Fun.” Whatever the case, you can personalize your library in the way that best fits your preferences, just like organizing the shelves in your favorite reading corner. Select a category to view only the books in that collection.
Sorting the Shelves
You’ve collected the books you want—every book on your reading list and then some. In your Open LORE library, there is no getting lost in the bookshelves, browsing countless book spines, or flipping through endless pages to find that exact book, chapter, or phrase you were looking for.
Click the Plus Sign icon to add a custom collection. Select a collection, then click the Book and Pencil icon to edits its name. Organize and easily locate your books into your categories by clicking and dragging book titles from the library home page into your custom collections. Or, simply tap the star icon to add the book to your Favorites collection.
Next up - learn how to navigate Open LORE's many reading features!