Words, Words, and More Words!
We've been busy updating your Open LORE dictionary experience. The new dictionary has the familiar look of our original dictionary, but has been updated with several exciting new features.

More words! Over 160,000 words and 220,000 word senses are available representing a 60 percent increase in the number of definitions.

Have you heard the story of "The Three Wells?" Well, well well... To help find the right definition, responses are now grouped into their “parts of speech,” such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives. So for words with lots of meanings, such as "well," you can zero in on the one that makes the most sense.
Let's face it. Sometimes definitions can be boring or confusing, so many definitions include an example sentence to give you that extra bit of understanding about how a word is used.

Are those crickets we hear? Hearing a word spoken or spelled can help many readers comprehend it better. Users may now have the selected word read or spelled out loud in addition to the previous capability of playing back the definition. Tracking and voice options follow the defaults you can adjust from the Home Screen.

Finally, further word study is made easy by our expanded helpful links that now include Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Word Web, and Dictionary.com. Clicking any one of these links will open your browser and navigate right to the page that has all the information you could imagine about the word you've selected.
We hope our updated dictionary will enhance your study of vocabulary. May the "word" be with you!